una noche de diciembre

cuando me estaba durmiento

escuche que decias
"soy un negrito de Sarandí que pego la buena" o la masomeno por que al final del mes no hay palacio San Martin que te llene la billetera. Y te vas pescando desde la Saladita para el oeste, agarrando el acceso sin hacerte mierda contra el puente paseando por Ramos con tu moto criando pibes a como se pueda peinando la angustia con peine fino curandote en la sonrisa de los tuyos sacandole fotos a la luna en el verano haciendo aspavientos en la ausencia.
Llego hasta entender tus caídas tu crueldad, entiendo tu tristeza, incluso hasta cuando pienso que la impostás. y se que me endulzaste con diminutivos
Ay de aquel día en que cayo nieve en el que deambulaste buscando eso que hoy lleva el nombre de tus pibes Tal vez estes arreglando, lo que no pudiste arreglar de entrada y rompiste todo, incluso a mi, tan escuchadora para nada tanto diminutivo para no cuidarme.
Diz que las brujas te quieren beber la sangrel pero no es eso hacete cargo te digo rompiste todo y ni siquiera pagaste la consulta.


  1. I am by name Miss jane, And I am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex-boyfriend whom I love so much. I had a boyfriend that love me so much but something terrible happens to our relationship one afternoon when his friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to him just because he was been jealous of his friend that I was dating and on the scene my boyfriend just walk in and he thought we had something special doing together, I tried to explain things to him that his friend always does this whenever he is not with me and I always refuse him but I never told him because I did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but he never believed me. he broke up with me and I tried times without numbers to make him believe me but he never believed me until one day I heard about the DR. AKHERE and I emailed him and he replied to me so kindly and helped me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months. Email him at: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com or call / WhatsApp: +2349057261346


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